Rigips Joint Filler Plaster

Rigips Joint Filler Plaster is used to prevent cracks on plasterboard joints and ensure integrity on board surfaces. It is a filling and smoothing plaster applied on glass-fiber or paper joint tapes on the plasterboard joints. It is a mixture of calcium sulfate hemihydrate with aggregate, cellulose, polymer and natural retarder.
- 10 kg of Rigips Joint Filler is scattered gradually onto 6 liters of clean water in a clean container. Wait for a few minutes for the full contact of water and product.
- It is mixed with a hand mixer or trowel until the plaster becomes homogeneous. The mixer should be operated for maximum of 2 minutes with max. 150-200 cycles per minute.
- Rigips Joint Tape is properly bonded on the plasterboard joints and the first coat of Rigips Joint Filler is applied over Rigips Joint Tape (approximately 10 cm wide, covering the grooves of plasterboards completely).
- After the first coat has dried, the second coat of Rigips Joint Filler is applied on top of the first coat with 5 cm overflow at both sides (approximately 20 cm wide in total).
No water or plaster should be added to the mortar during or after mixing in order to avoid lumps.